healthy weightloss

Finally add, not subtract, these things to your diet to lose weight!


These foods aren’t just low in calories. These foods work to change how your body uses food to help you rev up your metabolism to optimize your health. Finally, I get to add not subtract something to my diet to lose weight!

Yes, I wear a size 2 now but I was “thunderthighs”. I loathed my body. An overweight high school sophomore, I wasn’t just heavy, I was that awkward teacher’s aid helping you with your algebra, nerdy, smart and fat.

I reached the end. I didn’t eat my 16th birthday cake and I wouldn’t let anyone else either. I wrapped it in plastic and froze it. I decided I was going to lose weight. I ended up starving and binging on chocolate. My favorite was fudge in any form, fudge icing, fudge candy, and fudge syrup. To make things worse, I would sneak it! I wouldn’t eat for days and tell myself I would just take 1  spoon of frosting. You know how huge that spoon full was? And, I would go back for seconds. I lost some weight but I was getting really depressed.

I was getting nowhere because the more you take away from your diet the more weight comes back. I discovered if I ate an apple and peanut butter  when I got hungry I felt better and didn’t go back for the second spoon of fudge. The trick was to add something I liked that wasn’t empty in calories. Filling up on vegetables and fruit  is always great but who wants to eat vegetable? I promise you, eating vegetables can be great tasting, easy and adding them regularly to your diet can help you kick chronic disease, pain, and depression. I will be sharing recipes, tips and techniques to help transform your DNA and your health!

Now, some tips:

Spinach helps you feel satisfied and reduces cravings! The Thylakoids in spinach help reduce your urge for sugary, fatty foods.  Chow down on spinach as often as possible. Have you ever just craved something but didn’t know what it was so you just kept eating? A big helping of spinach before breakfast can reduce hunger and cravings, and help you feel satisfied the whole day! Spinach even helps if you are eating because of depression or boredom.

Eating because of cravings is labeled hedonic eating or gluttony. It is based on liking, wanting or craving the food, which is usually rich in sugar and fat. This kind of eating may become an addiction. Finally, we have something to curb the cravings for addictive foods. Gluttony not only can lead to feeling lazy but it leads to death by avoidable diseases.

The literal translation of Proverbs 23:2 warns, “thou hast put a knife to thy throat, if thou art a man of appetite.” In other words, you might as well put a knife to your own throat if you are given to gluttony. The Divine doesn’t hate food addicts, we are  warned that gluttony causes certain death! Eating spinach each day can help us say no to addictive foods.

How can you make spinach palatable in the morning? A simple smoothie of spinach and cherries and berries is delicious. if you want more smoothie and other recipes check out my HAPPY TUMMY COOKBOOK.

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