

Are you interested in getting back to the vibrant health of the garden?

Could it be that the tree of good and evil was a reference to the beginning of duality and judgement? Without good vs bad, pretty vs ugly or any other judgements we make, we don’t have a need to judge ourslves either. Without judgement, social stresses fall away. Chimpanzees even suffer the stresses of social hierachies. Stress causes epigenetic changes. Epigenetic changes can be easily seen in gorillas by the change of coat color in the dominate male. We are not primates! We can use knowledge and new information to shift our beliefs and decrease our social stress. Without social hierachies, we stop comparing ourselves to others. We can stop social stresses!

Why is stress such a big deal?

Chronic stress can cause a shut down of your digestion, your immunity and other systems in your body!

Stress ages us. Chronic stress eats the collagen in our skin and causes wrinkles.

Chronic stress about low self esteem isn’t necessary.

It is time to own your birthright! 

Okay, so what is your birthright?

This will take a second so hang with me but it will be worth it, I promise!

As I have said before, I was a fat, ackward teen that didn’t belong. Combining volatile alcoholic parents with sexual abuse, I suffered social anxiety, fear and very, very low self-esteem. I froze like a rabbit unable to defend or protect myself. The ugly girl in the background that watched others have fun.

When I saw the connection between research on energy and what the Bible described as the holy spirit, I was  filled with a sense of relief. I wasn’t just the sum of my experences or not-so-great decisions. This is what I found out…

Science Proves A Guiding, Infinite Energy That Everything is made by and of.

Even Dr. Steven Hawkins agrees that the universe started from a singularity. A singularity is when mass (matter) goes to zero and energy goes to an infinity amount. Simply put, during the point when the singularity existed,  no matter was formed, only infinite energy.

Scientists at Los Alamos Labratories proved that there is an infinite amount of energy in what we think of as empty space. This infinite energy is what Einstein called Zero Point Energy and it permeates everything including you! You are more than 99.999999% so called empty space and that empty space is filled with infinite energy.

Now, research shows that energy waves in the form of ultra low photons. This energy guides how molecules are put together into macromolecules, cells, tissues, organs and bodies. We also know if this energy is interfered with during gestation or pregnancy, it can lead to horrible birth defects.

This energy guides our formation. It is in us, around us and through us. A quote from Romans 11:36 of the King James Version is as follows; “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things:”

In coming blogs, we will explore more of the literality of the science behind the spirituality of health.
Until then,
Hugs and Happiness,


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