Changes in lifestyle change how your DNA is used!

Changes in lifestyle change how your DNA is used!


Our Bodies…

Our bodies are bags of proteins each doing their own jobs to keep our bodies balanced and healthy. Very much like a gasoline engine needs a mixture of fuel and air to run properly, our bodies need a mixture of a vast number of different proteins and factors to keep them running optimally. We make our proteins using the recipes found in each of our cells. These recipes are what we call DNA.

If our DNA gets changed, we can’t make our proteins in the correct numbers that we need and sometimes we can’t make them at all! Thankfully, our DNA has proofreading skills to keep it exactly the way it is supposed to be. Unfortunately, if our proofreading system gets overwhelmed due to toxins, pollution or other means of over burdening it, the system isn’t as accurate. This can lead to deletions, insertions, and wrong parts going into our DNA and can mutate or change our DNA and the proteins made from them.

Epigenetic Mechanisms

Two mechanisms causing DNA mutations are initiated by free radicals or electrophiles. Electrophile means electron lover and nucleophile means nucleus lover. The electrophile wants electrons and nucleophiles want to share or give their electrons away. The reason for this is because of their shelves or shells. A shelf or shell is just a place where atoms keep their electrons. They only like two on some shelves and 8 on others and more on others. The first shell or shelf can have only two electrons but atoms really t want that shelf to be full all of the time. If it isn’t, they will beg, borrow or steal an electron to fill it up.

These electron hungry molecules are electrophiles and they can be a train wreck for our DNA. They can connect with DNA and block it from being copied, thus inhibiting needed proteins and factors that keep our bodies healthy. Nucleophiles can pull electrophiles away from our DNA or give electrons to them, making them happy and full shelved.

The second Epigenetic mechanism is histone modification.  The histones are like the spools in a spool of thread. The thread is DNA. If the DNA is wrapped too tightly around the histone, DNA can’t be copied and our proteins and other factors can’t be made. Different environmental occurrences cause molecules to decorate the histones and holding on to the DNA too tightly. This can slow or stop the DNA from becoming loose enough to be copied. This can stop us from making anticancer factors! So now, if toxins and pollution cause mutations in our DNA, we can’t make the factors we need to stop the problem cells. Uncontrolled growth of mutated cells is called cancer.

How can we protect our DNA?

Research has shown that lifestyle including:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Meditation
  • Music
  • Laughing
  • Gratitude
  • and many other things

change how your DNA is copied and used to make proteins and other factors.

In coming blogs, I will share the science behind the spirituality of health and the great news on how a spiritual life is a healthy life.

Until then,

Hugs, health and happiness,


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